Give life to your garden with our flower beds, impress your visitors with the designs of  your garden, we help you to make a dream garden.



¿What is required to have a flower bed in your garden?


Evaluate the soil:


It is very important to evaluate the land where we plan to plant our flower bed, 

the best soil to plant flowers is dark brown, on the contrary, clear brown or yellowish soil is of poor quality for flowers.




Add amendments:


Amendments are good quality land, if your soil is dark brown can mix the land directly. In case you have clear brown soil you must extract a layer of about 1.5 (in), and if it is still poor quality return to extract about 1.1(in) more. Then add the amendment. In case the extension of the area to be replaced is very large, and therefore, too expensive, the alternative is to fertilize with organic matter often.



Fertilize the soil:


It´s time to add a layer of organic fertilizer, most peat and topsoil. Stir well with the rest of the soil or amendment. In this way, you will have the soil ready and fertile that will provide all the necessary nutrients for the growth and development of your precious plants. Remember that flower beds should not have sand because if not, the effort will not help, and it will be difficult to grow the flowers.



Level the soil:


The flower beds must be level, so before planting, we must level the soil

Now you know the steps needed to prepare the soil and plant your fantastic flowers to last and grow healthy.

Call us "AbLawnCare" is there to help you carry out your project.